Other Maps
Historical Maps
Historical Mapping can be an asset to your project. This type of mapping could help your business in many ways for instance, legal issues including boundary disputes, feasibility studies, change of use registration and historical research.
OS historical mapping from the 1860s – 1990s
Historical Map Reports
We can request historic OS map sets (MapInsight Pack) from our supplier.
These are site-centred, A3 size extracts of every available historic OS map for your area of interest.
Area size limit: 600m x 600m
These typically take a few hours to produce; please contact us for a quote.
Minimum cost: £135.00 + VAT (for 1:2500 large scale mapping)
NOTES: We are unable to preview historical mapping prior to purchase. If there is missing or damaged mapping from the original, historical source files, this will not be known until the mapping is purchased.
Historical Packs are non-refundable.
Single Sheet OS Historical Maps
Unavailable (since October 2020).
Regretfully, our supplier has withdrawn the ability to order the single sheet maps.
This information will be updated when we can supply the mapping again.
City Mapping
City Mapping is available from our sister company Oxford Cartographers.
They can provide maps for all areas of the UK, scaled accordingly.
PMCL and other licensing
A PMCL will enable your business to make unlimited copies of Ordnance Survey mapping either in paper or electronic form such as a PDF or raster format (not a vector data file such as DXF, or any file that is geo-referenced). It is purchased on a per office basis and covers all copying of OS maps by that office irrespective of the number of copies or where you purchased your mapping.
OS Mapping can support the internal administration and operation of your business as well as limited external use such as display on web pages. Make sure you can legally copy and share data. Applying is easy just click on the link.